The Lictors (the Tyranid that appears in the ending of the video above) however, are another story.
I haven't read about Tyranid Carnifexes having an infiltration ability. Destroying one of these creatures will result in total chaos for the swarm as they will flee or turn upon themselves. Gamespot have released details that just like in the tabletop strategy game that the Dawn of War series has sprung from, Tyranids rely on ' Synapse creatures' to keep the otherwise unthinking, voracious Tyranid troops into an organized army. That will sound familiar for fans of another strategy game. The Eldar fanboy in me haha! That's an Eldar Wraithlord exchanging blows with a Terran Dreadnought (which encases the body of a Space Marine.
The Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War 2 official site has also released several screenshots of this nomadic, world-devouring alien swarm: (All screenshots are not mine and are the property of THQ.)